Our History

Our congregation was established in 1949 to be a center of worship for those who moved into our community after the war.  Within the first twenty years the congregation had expanded its facilities three times and launched three neighborhood Bible studies which helped the new residents support one another in the new normal of post WWII and the advent of the Korean War.

By the late sixties the community began to experience tremendous economic difficulties with the closure of several manufacturing plants.  The church, once bursting at the seams, found itself in decline.  By the middle of the eighties the congregation faced a crucial decision, close its doors and sell the assets for missions of embrace the mission that was outside its doors.  After a great deal of prayer and planning, the congregation embraced God’s call to be missionaries to the community.  A new service specifically designed to engage the new community with the timeless message of God’s Word was launched.  Backyard Bible Studies were initiated in several neighborhoods.  The church picnic was replaced with several church sponsored block parties throughout the community.

The members of the congregation, with the help of neighbors and friends helped reclaim city parks and address the blight of abandoned houses.  Today the congregation continues to experience growth as new families join the mission.  The congregation’s work to create affordable housing and provide after school care for families in the community have contributed to economic growth in the community.  Most importantly, the church regularly celebrates the gift of new life as people enter into His kingdom through baptism.