What to Expect

We'd love for you to visit us for Sunday worship or any of our other activities. We want you to feel relaxed and welcomed on your first visit, so feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the worship services like?
Every Sunday we are gathered to hear the reading and preaching of the Holy Scriptures, sing hymns, pray, and receive our Lord’s gift of Holy Communion. We use the historic liturgy of the Lutheran Church from our hymnal, The Lutheran Service Book. We’d be happy to tell you more about why and how we worship the way that we do.
What syle of music is used in the service?
We sing hymns from our hymnal that span the centuries of the Church. Some hymns are over 1500 years old; some are only a few years old. Hymns are led by the organ, which allows for people of all pitches and voice types to make a joyful noise to the Lord.
Am I permitted to take communion?
We are concerned about the spiritual welfare of all who commune at the Lord’s Table. If you are a guest and desire to commune, please speak to the pastor before the service. Our altar is open to those who confess oneness with us in doctrine, are members of our congregation or sister congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and are not under church discipline in another congregation.
How do I get connected?
There are many ways to connect with us: become a member, come to a Bible Study, or get involved in a ministry where you can serve others with your particular gifts, talents, and experiences. Contact Pastor Doellinger and he’d be happy to tell you more.
How can I keep connected?
- Like our Facebook page or sign-up for our email list.
- Find us in the community: We often participate in Cassopolis area events, which aren’t church services.
- Join us for other church events. There are times during the year when we take some time to hang out together and simply build friendships. Join us for pot-lucks, picnics, golf-outings, fair activities, Trunk-or-Treat, and other seasonal fun.
Where do I park?
We invite you to park in the church parking lot. You may enter the north or south entrance prior to worship. Please note: at 9:00 AM on Sundays we lock our south entrance door.